Investment risk

Investment through the crowdfunding platform, just like investments in other financial instruments, is related to risk assumption. Before starting to invest, you should evaluate your investment experience, knowledge, financial situation, and investment-related risks. If you feel that you are unable to perceive potential risks related to the crowdfunding transaction being concluded, you should consider the possibility of applying to experts for advice.

The information provided on the platform is of an informative nature only. Röntgen is not held liable for the correctness of the information provided by the project owner. The project description, information related to the project estimate and expected income are of an indicative nature only and are subject to change in various market conditions. Each crowdfunding transaction can have its distinctive risks. Therefore, we propose that the investors should consider not only the description of the mentioned risks but also other circumstances that may have an impact on the crowdfunding investments.

Röntgen crowdfunding platform is only a technical tool that helps the parties to conclude crowdfunding transactions and, therefore, it cannot be held liable to investors for any lost crowdfunding investments and/or expected return not received.

We remind you that the insurance coverage provided in the Law on Insurance of Deposits and Liabilities to Investors of the Republic of Lithuania is not applicable to crowdfunding.